Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Once again.....Story

The scene was just as the five before it were; completely clean. The body was arranged in the similar way as well, head tilted slightly, exposing the spine, and the arms out in that familliar Christ pose. Her breasts were cut deep, just as all the victims before her, the incisions once again raising the question as to how or why someone would shove their fingers that deep into someone.

"Myles.....I.....I dont know if I can keep this up," Jones said from the other side of the body. He was turned away from the scene, leaning on an extended arm against the closest wall. He sounded different than normal. Very different. Almost..........broken. "Theres nothing we can do."

Myles could hear him over the growing sounds of the morning. Traffic horns blared in the distance, people shouted to each other. At the scene, it seemed like night had stuck around, leaving just the CSI team, Myles, Jones, and the victim.

"Jones......Jones dont say that," but it was to no avail. Myles could see the growing wetness on the ground below Jones' hung head. He slid his back against the wall and buried his face into his hands, between his legs.

"Fuck me, Myles. I've never seen anything like this. I've never had a case like this....completely untraceable. We arent gonna catch this guy. We arent."

"Come on man, dont say that." Myles suddenly knew how Jones felt. He could remember his first seemingly unsolvable case, back in '85; a child murderer. It almost broke him, but eventually, Myles caught the son-of-a-bitch. Jones' cocky persona had finally melted away, revealing the young man inside. "We all have cases that try us. This is your first real test in the field, the first real test of your grit. We can get this bastard and we are going to, but I cant do it alone. Pull yourself together and lets get to work. Dont want those press asshole to get a picture of you crying, do ya?"

"Fuck me....." Jones muttered to himself, pushing his body up and wiping his eyes. He looked up at Myles, seeing more than a partner at that moment. He saw a friend. A mentor if you will. "Wasnt crying old man," he scoffed. "I think you're going senile."

Myles laughed quietly to himself. That a boy, he thought.

"So we really need to look closely at this scene. we have some clues that we didnt have before. Maybe we can finally lay out a tentative idea of what goes on during one of these attacks." Myles stepped back, as he caught Jones nodding and doing the same.

"Id say, he goes for the throat first, ripping and tearing with something, until he gets deep enough for the person's strength to wear a little. Then drags them to the ground. I dont know really the purpose for the finger incisions though."

Myles took in Jones' comment, imagining it in his mind. "Do you think he goes straight in with his mouth? Those teeth were pretty fucking sharp."

"I dont know Myles. It takes a lot of force to rip through so many laters of skin, muscle, and bone."

Myles had to agree with that. "Well, maybe.....hmmm....maybe he takes them down with the attack to the chest first and then he goes for the throat." He thought about that for a second, but his mind brought forth evidence to the contrary. "No...it cant be that."

"Why the hell not? It makes sense."

"Well think about it Jones. All of the victims were found in realtively populted areas. Maybe not near houses or busy streets, but every area had a decent amount of foot traffic. If he went for the chest first, someone would had to of heard a scream. No....no....the throat was definately first. I would say, he started out low, taking the vocal chords first with whatever weapon he had. That way....the sick bastard could,"

"Finish them off slow." Jones finsihed the sentence. "Goddammit. Fuck man. Even if we do catch this guy....he's fucking crazy. He definately wont go down easy, and that is considering that we catch him at all."
"Hey!" a voice shouted over the noise behind them. "We've got something."

Both detectives perked up, sprinting to where the CSI worker had shouted from. He held up a small dark piece of something between a pair of forceps. It was beginning to crumble under the pressure of the forceps.

"What is it?" Myles asked, Jones grunting in agreement.

"I wont know until we run some tests, but a guess would say that it is charcoal."

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