Monday, January 12, 2009

No Country for Old Men

So I just finished reading No Country for Old Men, by Cormac McCarthy and I must say that it was amazing. I absolutely loved the movie, especially the ending that pissed off pretty much everyone else in the theater besides me. The Coen Brothers are amazing to me and in my eyes they can do no wrong. I mean......Fargo, The Big Lebowski, Burn After Reading, O' Brother Where Art Thou, The Hudsucker Proxy; How can you compete with that? You cant!
But I digress, the adaptation to film was almost flawless. I could see the movie in my head as it followed the book almost to a T.
The only thing they left out were a couple of scenes that weren't crucial to the plot and a couple of lines from Chirgurh, our own mystery murderer. He was just as bad ass in the book, if not more so than in the movie. Javier Bardem (Anton Chirgurh in the movie) was the perfect person for the job and as they have done in the past, the Coens put together the best cast possible for the movie adaptation. My advice to all of you out there not listening to me rant daily (lol) is that you should pick up the book and read it. It was short coming in at 309 pages and it flows so quickly. I read it in two days. Pick it up and enjoy. On that note, Ill leave you with my favorite line from the book. Later

"Chirgurh shot him in the face. Everything that Wells had ever known or thought or loved drained slowly down the wall behind him."

1 comment:

  1. I loved the movie, and now have to read the book based solely on that quote. Wow.
