Saturday, January 10, 2009

Silent Hill

So last night I decided to once again feast my eyes on Silent Hill, the movie. I forgot how much I absolutely love it, aside from the cheesier-than-thou acting of Laurie Holden (Played the cop, who was much better in The Mist). The little girl, Jodelle Ferland, was terrifying in a fun way. Not necessarily scary in the traditional sense as much as she gave some sort of feeling that was uncomfortable. Especially with lines like, "It is the end of days, and reaper." By far my most memorable line from the movie. Well, that one and, "Mother is God in the eyes of a Child." because it was reminiscent of the Crow. Rhada Mitchell aside from being gorgeous is actually a pretty decent actress in my opinion, and Boromir himself, Mr. Sean Bean did a pretty convincing job. I guess that movies like that speak to me. I cant say as I know why but I do know that I love really dark movies and Silent Hill is definitely that. It isn't an outstanding movie but it is entertaining, especially for someone like myself who loves the games (aside from The Room....that was crap).

I will probably be posting movie reviews like this a lot because, if you've read the post before this, you know that I love movies. But, I promise not to list any spoilers and if I just cant help myself, well then I'll warn you.

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